Buy Phone Verifications by SMS or by Call – Lifetime Re-verification!


If you’re looking to phone verify an account on some website, I can provide a phone number that you can use to do the phone verification. I can receive an SMS and a Call. The verification we do will last forever, because I own these numbers, so you will be able to re-verify the same account in the future again whenever you want. And I will never use the same number to verify an account on the website you used it for.


I have a few SIM cards and a few online numbers that I will have forever, so your verification will last forever and if you ever need to receive an SMS or Call on the number again from the same site in order to verify/unlock your account, all you have to do is contact me and we’ll take care of it.


How it works:

1) Contact me so that I can confirm that I can verify the website you need
2) We’ll agree on everything, and you will buy my offer
3) I will give you the phone number to use
4) You will input the number where necessary, and have the site send me an SMS or Call me
5) I will receive the pin/code/number, and send it to you so you can complete the verification


Note: I can’t do verification for some websites, like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and a few more – because I’m already using the numbers to verify accounts on these platforms.


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.