Buy 5 Youtube Custom Comment Replies for only $4. Check out the extras or contact me for larger quantities.


Having more comments on your Youtube video comments will make your comment section and the entire video look more popular. If anyone lands on any of your videos, the first metrics they see are the amount of Views, Likes, Comments and Comment Replies your video has. Increasing the comment replies count can help your video in many ways.



  • High quality
  • 100% Safe and Tested
  • Permanent Never Drop
  • Delivery in 1-2 Days or instant
  • Split available between multiple comments
  • No password required, only your comment link/s
  • No links, no profanity, and no offensive language will be accepted


Custom Comments Available – you can provide the texts for the comments. If you don’t provide the texts then I will make them up. They will be generic, short, positive, in English, and related to the video/comment as much as possible.


Send me a message if you have any questions.